Monday, December 15, 2008

Im Sorry!

I don’t want to lose this love, but I feel like it might be too much. You seem not to care for me anymore, I think we have lost our spark. I have tried to show you love and compassion and you seem to take it for granted. You are my one and only and have been for so long but after a while I got tired of trying and I am beginning to fall apart. I have come to the part where the record stops and the love fades away. I’m sorry you are hurt and that your heart is breaking, that is not my intention. My heart broke a long time ago, and I never wanted you to feel that pain. I am sorry it came to this, I am sorry we have to part. I just want you to be happy and I just want you to be true to who you are. If I’m not the one I want you to know I understand and will always love you and be here for you.

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